If there is one thing one thing that I know it’s that people in the construction industry are generous and quick to throw their support behind a worthy cause. I have witnessed this time and again and most recently was privileged to be a part of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment’s Team Up Challenge.
As a committee member of the Toronto Construction Association’s Young Construction Leaders (YCL), we assembled six teams including a team inclusive of Harbinger Network employees to participate in the event to help raise money for Camp Trillium, a camp for kids battling cancer and their families. Each team was committed to raising $5,000 and played ball hockey, basketball and soccer for an amazing day of fun and support. With the entire Harbinger Network staff encouraged to participate, our team raised just under $10,000. Collectively, the YCL was able to enter 60 participants on six teams contributing just over $30,000 or 10% of the overall $300,000 raised for the day.
I have been incredibly lucky in my career to have many proud moments but this experience ranks right up there at the top. I was so proud that our teams worked hard to raise the money and I could see that this event held special meaning for them. Our teams met with some of the beneficiaries of the Team Up Challenge and I could see how proud they were to be able to help those facing such big hurdles in life.
So why would I blog about a charity function in a space usually reserved for career advice? Because it is important and it is relevant. Firstly, I believe that it is incumbent on everyone to give back in some way for their good fortune. It doesn’t matter what station you’re at in life, somebody helped you get to where you are. Somebody gave you the opportunity to prove yourself with a first job or maybe somebody helped with financial aid for school or maybe someone mentored you when you were just starting out. The point is everyone, even “self-made” men and women, had help somewhere down the line and should pay that forward. And, if you can pay it forward by helping someone with problems much bigger than employment, even better.
Secondly, a company’s support for charitable work and their culture of giving can be highly attractive to potential candidates. People feel good about working for an organization that is socially responsible and shares its good fortune with those that are less fortunate. In fact, all other things being equal, most people would rather work for the good corporate citizen.
Together all the teams that participated in this year’s Team Up Challenge raised approximately $300,000 to send families to Camp Trillium. Participating in events like the Team Up Challenge has only strengthened my resolve to do more and to give more. I know the construction industry will step up in the future too. They always have and they always will.
About the Author
Albert Aragona is Partner and Executive Vice-President at Inc., and has been an active recruiter in the construction industry for over a decade. Albert’s knowledge of the current Canadian construction market and his insight into career development has allowed him to make hundreds of successful introductions between candidates and potential employers.
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